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Vitaly loves to cook fish and eat it at home. Here is the recipe. Dont underestimate the power of fish. Some people like it, some people dont like it because of the smell. I, personally, love it because of far more wonderful benefits fish can offer to your body.

Eating fish, helps to reduce risk of developing heart disease. Wonderful Omega-3 Fatty Acids help to break down protein that is needed to grow muscle and help our normal functioning of the brain. Currently, American Heart Association suggest that we eat fish at least twice a week. Scientists remind us that not all varieties of fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Preference should be given mackerel, unsalted herring, sardines, salmon. One must also consider that many useful qualities are destroyed when frying fish.

Last week I chose to cook Tilapia Fillets, because they are low-calorie, low-fat, and high on protein. The fillets is easy to cook (toal 30 minutes) and can be served with any of your favorite vegetables.

b2ap3 thumbnail fish

Ingredients (6 servings = 6 fillets):

IngridientsCaloriesFat (g)Carbs (g)Protein (g)
Tilapia Fillets (1 fillets)971121
Lemon (0.5 fruit)1.30.0150.450.05
Total (per serving)98.331.0151.4521.05

b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4640Go to your local store (Wallmart or Costco) and get Tilapia Fillets.

b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4633Wash them. Then spray the pan with non sticky vergin oil and lay down evenly your fish.

b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4635Cut lemon in half and squeeze it on top of your fillets.

b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4636Add your favorite spices on top of your fillets: salt and pepper.
b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4638Put your tray with fillets in the pre-heated oven to 375F.
b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4639Set your timer to 25minutes. Cooking time can be somewhere in between of 15-25min.

b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4642In 25 minutes remove your fillets from the oven and serve.

b2ap3 thumbnail CIMG4643Serving size is 1 fillet. However, due to goodness of these fillets, my each serving size was 2 fillets.

Author Vitaly Magidov

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